
Dear Real Simple Magazine:

Feel free to get out of my head any time now.

I've been intermittently perusing my September RS mag for a couple of days now (life has gotten in the way a smidge).  Practically every third article is speaking to something I've been thinking of or doing lately.  It's a little creepy.  I feel like Truman.  I wish Ed Harris were here.  Minus the beret.


The thing that jumped at me the most was a little article about exercising to lift your mood "Mood-Boosting Workouts" for anyone interested in exact details - and no, it's not online yet; it looks like those crafty folks over there wait a month to put articles from the magazine up.  Clever girl... (eleventy points for that movie reference!  hint:  said in an Australian accent, after placing hat on fallen tree)  As per usj (ummm...shortened version of "usual"), I've gotten off track.  Twice now.

In a nutshell:  the article is about the benefits of certain exercises outside of the obvious.  Here's where it gets all in my brain.  There's one section about cycling, and how it has been shown to increase energy.  For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the Not Kardashians, I've recently rediscovered my lurve of biking. I can tell you that there was a DEFINITE increase in my energy in the days after my two bike rides.  Perhaps it was euphoria at having not keeled over at some point in the ride.  Perhaps it was just as the article explained and there were positive electrical charges happening all over my brain.  Either way, I liked the feeling.  I'm going to try to keep it up.

Other entries in the article:
How to sleep better:  Pilates.
To achieve clarity:  weight lifting.

I'll let you buy the mag (or read the article if you already get it!) to discover the secrets of the rest of the thing, but I loved these bits.  I'm definitely going to try weight lifting for mental clarity.  I could really use the help getting my multi-tasking and planning under control.  As a Project Manager, I'm supposed to be good at these things.  While I don't suck as much as, say, a dog does at these tasks, my more free nature has a hard time with living by a schedule (just ask my friends - there are more than a few out there who despise the fact that I do not make plans until the night of an event...I just don't want to).  I'm going to be all over the weights.  According to the article, all I need is "a chair and some three- to five-pound weights."  I've got sixers.  But I'm sure they'll be fine.  Perhaps they'll bring me the ability to NOT be constantly pissed at MS Project STAT.

Oh, and in case you wondered, here are some of the other articles that were all in my medulla oblongata:

  • 33 Low-calorie snack ideas
  • "6 Numbers for Financial Success"
  • a little ditty about how Mary Jane shoes have grown up (LOVE MJs)
  • the "It" color this month is teal, and they pair it with a couple of interesting other colors.  I love "It" colors, and I love teal and (as they call it) saffron together - which was one of the pairings.
  • and a big 'ol beef lover's guide.  I'm anti-chicken right now.  I go back and forth several times a year, and chicken is currently out.  Gimme Bessie.  In my belly.
That's it for now.

Keep on keepin' on - the skinny train is a'movin'.

(oh, and in case you wondered, NO, RS did not pay me or whatever to post this post.  I just love the shit out of that magazine.  Go buy it.  Buy a subscription to it, as a matter of fact.  Go on.  I'll wait...)


  1. Just couldn't resist sharing this article that has me thinking twice about cheese (okay maybe not but this is TOO much) ~ Ellen

    The 1,690 calorie mac n' cheeseburger: delicious or disgusting? editor
    by Piper Weiss, Shine Staff, on Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:24am PDT 2265

    Denny's dastardly minds have done it again. The restaurant chain that fries mozzarella sticks between pieces of bread, have rolled out more gluttonously cheesy menu items.

    The most notable is the Mac n' Cheese Big Daddy Patty Melt: A burger patty layered with slices of cheese, macaroni and cheese, another layer of cheese, some kind of tomato-based "frisco" sauce and two pieces of buttered-up potato bread. Still hungry? It comes with a side of fries.

    The 1,690 calorie count makes a lot more sense when you consider the sandwich is breakfast, lunch and dinner stacked on top of each other. It makes absolutely zero sense when you consider that it's got 500 more calories than a Carl's Jr. burger with fries, and large coke. It's about three times the calories of a KFC Double Down sandwich. And about 200 calories more than five (count 'em, five) Boston Market Mac and Cheese sides.

    That's without the super-size cheese option. Seriously, if your melt isn't ooze-y enough, you can pay Denny's 69 cents extra for more cheese. A better use of that 69 cents: pay the guy in the next booth to be your sober cheese counselor.

    Denny's joined Burger King and more than a dozen chains on a health initiative recently, offering more veggie and fruit options for kids. Adults? They can go to you know where...by way of the cheese menu. Direct quote from the company's press release: “With America consuming around 8.8 billion pounds of cheese annually, Denny’s is answering to the appetites of the nation by introducing a dedicated menu that celebrates all things cheesy." Other items on their new cheese menu include a strawberry cheesecake milkshake and a cheese-filled omelette drizzled in cheese sauce.

    But nothing outdoes the cheese pasta/cheeseburger/buttered toast combo, both in calories and in creativity. Be honest, on the gross food scale, does the Mac and Cheese melt look deliciously gross, curiously gross, or just plain gross?

  2. It's like Denny's is trying to gross people out! The part of the article that mentions the comparison of calories made me realize that it's WAY worse than it sounds - because Carl's Jr. burgers are HORRENDOUS for you, fries usually pack a minimum 300-calorie punch, and a large coke is HUNDREDS of calories. That thing sounds NAST.

    But it's not gonna stop me from eating cheese. I AM from Wisco, after all.
