
Run Keeper!

Huge fan.

I downloaded the Run Keeper app onto The Droid a bit ago.  I was kinda like "meh" about it.  I had it, but didn't use it.  Then, we started walking the dog more frequently.  Along with the (almost) nightly walks came the Run Keeper.  I love the shit out of that thing.

It's kind of awesome.  Mine uses the phone's GPS to keep track of where I'm going.  It lets me know every ten minutes what my pace is and how far I've gone.  And, in the end, it tells me my overall average and even tells me estimated calories.  (with that though, I do need to say that, any time I do some exercise that doesn't take my own personal stats into account, I'm hesitant to take the number of calories it pops out at me for 100% accuracy)  If that weren't enough, it even lets me save my workouts.  HOLLA.  I'm a fan.

It's been nice for keeping my walking "workouts" in one place, so that I can be sure to record them on my food log later.  It's nice.  I haven't gotten any deper into it yet, so I don't know what else it can do.  For now, I'm digging the fact that I can just keep track of what's happening on our walks.  It's definitely a step in the right direction.

Really?  I dropped that pun for real?  Nice.

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