
On Monday!

Forgot until 9:34 this evening that today is Monday.  Ha.  At least I'm getting it done on the right day, right?  Riiiiiiight.
Antibotic cream and peroxide.  My old cat at the farm kicked my ass this weekend.  Allegedly, I had been drinking some wop and thought I could save her from my dog,  She did NOT agree with me that I could or should save her.  She's also a complete biyotch in everyday life,  So, why I thought she would suck any less when I was trying to rescue her is beyond me.  Idiot.  I got whooped pretty good.  I proceeded to go to the river and keep my hand in the water, wrastle with my garden, and pet a bunch of puppies all the rest of the weekend like a genius.  I come home, dunk my hand in peroxide and slather it with the antibiotic, and BAM.  It's not achy anymore.  If only they worked on sunburn...

Fourth of July, baby!!!  On a regular day, I dig being an American.  I really do.  I love the freedoms we have and the pride we can have in our young little country.  I love so very, very many things about this country.  I wish I could make a Hugh Grant-style speech about what a great nation we are.  But, we're not *technically* a nation of David Beckham's right foot.  Or David Beckham's left foot for that matter.  Let's just leave it at the fact that I love the red, white, and blue.  HAPPY FOURTH, Y'ALL!!

Along the same kind of lines, I'm totally grateful for my fam-damly.  I love the hell out of all of them.  I have such a great family, and I'm reminded of that every once and a while.  We were all together this weekend, and I didn't want anything else.  I didn't want to run to the bar in town (which wasn't open anyway - holy straightline winds, Batman!), I didn't want to escape these people...I wanted to spend as much time with them as I could.  I only with the outlaws had been there.  And if my hubby had been willing to go float down the river.  Weirdo doesn't like water...

Support.  I'm so grateful for the support of everybody back home.  Maybe I'm a smidge shallow or whatever, but it makes me feel so damn good when people say I'm looking good.  Honestly, even though I KNOW the numbers are going down, it doesn't really feel like I'm losing weight.  I don't look at myself that differently yet.  I know my arms are skinnier and my feet can't fit into my favorite shoes anymore, but it doesn't always feel like what I've been doing is all that effective.  So, for anyone who said something nice about my shrinking self, THANK YOU!!

Unexpected delays.  There were some pretty wicked storms on Friday.  They pretty much ran the line from where we live to where I grew up.  *Pretty much* literally took the path we were driving.  Our car was SLAMMED with hailstones.  From inside the car, it sounded like my boy Aaron Rodgers was whipping Superbowl-winning spirals at the car from 30 yards out.  It was nuts.  At one point in our travels, we determined things were bad enough to pull into an old abandoned gas station and try and wait out a little bit of the storm.  Thank God we did.  Had we not, we would have been in one of the little towns along the way that got PUMMELED.  It was bad.  Trees all over the road, downed power lines, just awful.  The story wasn't much different in my little hometown.  Had we not had the unexpected delay we had at the begining of our trek (in the form of an hour-and-a-half delay at work...), we would have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I guess sometimes things DO happen for a reason.  I can appreciate that.

And that's it for this first week of July!


  1. So, moral of the story is no more making wop at family gatherings. :/ You do look fabulous and it was grand to see you and your fabulousness this weekend! Totally grateful for you too eh.

  2. WOP WOP WOP! it makes you invincible! except to cat claws!

    thanks for taking me tubing! and almost drowning me in the hole of the party barge!

    you were lookin' good in your fancy swim suit!!! FIRST TANKINI EVER?!?!?!?

  3. YOU almost drowned ME!!! LIke 8 times. thankyouverymuch.

    Not first tankini - I've had one since they got popular (see also: the leopard print number in many of our pics from 6 years ago...), but this one actually looks decent on. :)
