
Things I'm greatful for.

Another Monday, another list of things I’m grateful for.
  • Schoolhouse Rocks.  We learned so very much from those little shorts.  As a matter of fact, we had a moment at work today (when we discovered that one of our members HADN’T seen them!!) when we listened to a little “Interplanet Janet” and “Preamble.”  I could still sing the songs!  It was lovely.  Except that I had IPJ stuck in my head for half the morning.  Nothing like a little Smoker-created entertainment on a Monday morning!
  • Rain.  I love that stuff.  Especially right now.  Rain melts all the snow.  It makes all the winter grossness disappear.  When it’s rained a few times instead of snowing, the plants all kind of wake up a little.  Warm rain makes the world all quiet and frosty with fog.  It also melts dog poo in my backyard.  Holla!
  • Transitions.  I’m having one of those right now – in a few different places.  We’re gussying up the house, cleaning windows and throwing them open to the breeze.  Moving furniture around, looking into changing the mirrors out in the bathrooms (I’ll be putting a post on that on my other blog sometime soon…), finally using some of the million picture frames we have around the house (inspiration:  see Young House Love’s post, here), and hanging shelves.  In my full-time life, the times they are a-changin’ as they say.  New duties, new experience, new stresses.  Bring it on.
  • Spring!  It’s officially here.  And, might I say that I like it.  I’m so ready to be done with winter.  This winter was just cold and miserable.  I always love Spring, but this year it seems especially intoxicating.  Spring means that we can walk the dog every night after work.  Spring means it’s almost time for me to take the new bike out for a spin.  Spring means opened windows and the smell of cut grass.
  • Reese’s mini PB eggs.  MAN I love those things.  They’re unbelievably good.  AND, the little ones are only 90 calories.  I can stomach that just slightly better than their 170-calorie giant counterparts.  Mmmm.  Looks like I found another Kryptonite.  :)
  • Watching Evin eat pita chips.  Super stinkin' cute.  I love that cat.  Oh, this is that cat:

Doesn't he just look like an old soul?  He's such a good kitty.

Anyway.  There you have it.  This week's grateful list.  Tomorrow, I promise I'll have a real post.  Promise.


  1. Awww! I miss you too! Every time I get my yoga on (see also: newest post), I think of you. :)
